Qualcomm and CHORD distribute one month’s ration to the families of 100 girl children

Aug 13, 2020 | Girl Child Project

An Act of Kindness that is worth emulating

Qualcomm and CHORD together nourish the lives of families of underprivileged children at Kukatpally, Hyderabad.

Amid this dreadful Covid-19 threat that’s endangering lives and destroying livelihoods at the grassroots the poor at the grassroots have very little hope to tide over this monumental economic crisis. Soaring hunger and rising joblessness are playing havoc with every aspect of their lives.

At this juncture, our most trusted CSR Partner QUALCOMM has come forward yet again with a generous relief package for slum children and their families:

Qualcomm and CHORD have distributed one month’s ration to the families of 100 girl children educated in our Aashirwad Girl School at Gokulplots, Kukatpally, Hyderabad, Telangana, India, on 01 August 2020

QUALCOMM’s Senior Associate Council Sri. Nithin Sharma and Senior Manager Sri.Sunkara Sudhir along with CHORD President Sri. Suman Malladi have distributed Dry ration kits/ Sanitization material to the families this morning at our School. Each family received 18Kg Rice, 2 liters Cooking Oil,1kg Tamarind, 3Kg Toordal, ½ Kg Chilly Powder, 4 Kg Onions, 4 Dettol Soaps and 2 Face Masks from the hands of Mr. Nithin Sharma and Mr.Sudhir. All our enthusiastic CHORD team members were present to ensure every deserving family received the alms to sustain their families.

Expectedly, it was an uplifting and empowering moment for all the beneficiary families.

A generous and laudable initiative from QUALCOMM.

Our grateful thanks to team Qualcomm.

This is CSR ( Corporate Social Responsibility) at it’s very best.

Well done Qualcomm.

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