Graduation Ceremony for 45 Women Trainees who have graduated from ‘Rebuild’ Project

Aug 30, 2021 | Girl Child Project

Graduation Ceremony for Women Trainees.

Forty-Five Women Trainees have graduated in Tailoring and Textile Designing Skill from ‘Rebuild’ Project Co-hosted CHORD- Microsoft in their Quest to create livelihood opportunities for Marginalized Women in the Slums. These women were
Trained/Skilled in Fashion designing and Apparel under the aegis of NCVTE (National Council for Vocational Training and Education) this morning at 11 am.

COVID time Interruptions didn’t diminish our spirit to train and empower women at the grassroots. Equally ebullient were our gracious CSR partners Microsoft who have manifested humanity with a great sense of purpose and humility in supporting this essential and life-changing endeavor. We have trained nearly one hundred women in the year 2021.

Forty-five such enterprising women trained in our Rebuild Project (Launched in collaboration with Microsoft) have received certificates in a grand and glittering graduation ceremony held at Rajeev Gruha Kalpa, Jagadgeri gutta, Hyderabad. Speaking on the occasion our Chief Guest Mr.K.Jagan garu (Coroporator , at Jagadgeri gutta) appreciated the painstaking community development activities undertaken by CHORD in positively impacting the lives of the marginalized communities in Jagadgeri gutta over the years.

Mr. Suman Malladi (Founder of CHORD)Had narrated the vision, mission, and activities of CHORD. Mrs. Manjulatha Malladi (Director at CHORD) had anchored the meeting highlighting the stellar role of women in steering the economic development of our nation. Eighty Beneficiaries from the Rebuild project have received one month ration( Rice, Dal, Oil, Chilli powder) and Masks from Microsoft.

Refreshments were also served to all the participants. By and large, it’s been a meaningful and heartwarming day for all the victorious women and for all of us at CHORD and Microsoft.

May all the life-giving women prosper and thrive in spreading joy and happiness to mankind.

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