Mr. Mark Papermaster (CTO and EVP, AMD) Visits CHORD

Dec 20, 2022 | News & Events

Our CHORD team, children, and women beneficiaries once again got a wonderful opportunity to meet Mr. Mark Papermaster (CTO and EVP, AMD) at the AMD office in the Satva (Knowledge city) building this morning.

Children demonstrated their skills and talent by narrating the benefits of the RO system, digital classrooms, the benefits they have gained from digital classroom learning in a confident and natural way, as well as the career opportunities they offer in the future, impressing everyone in attendance.Their bold and clear articulation in front of a large gathering stunned the audience. The women beneficiaries who have graduated in tailoring even had the rare honor of receiving their graduation certificates from Mr. Mark Papermaster himself.

The founders of CHORD, Mr. Suman Malladi and Mrs. Manjulatha Malladi, presented the vision and mission of CHORD and highlighted the impact that AMD- CHORD CSR partnership created at the grassroots in the past seven years. All the participants, especially Mr. Mark, lauded the relentless efforts put in by the CHORD team and children, and reaffirmed the company’s support and commitment to education for underprivileged children and empowerment for women through skill development. Mrs. Manjulatha Malladi thanked the AMD officials for their consistent support and compassion towards disadvantaged communities. The women graduates also shared their success stories and show- cased the garment models they have created during their training.

The event was a true testament to the power of CSR collaboration and its impact in bringing about social transformation in the lives of the disadvantaged communities. Ms. Jaya Jagadish (India Head, AMD) also participated in this event which was made possible by Sri. Anil Kumar Gopalakrishna (Director, Software Systems Design, Engineering Leader, and CSR Lead, AMD) and his team, comprising of esteemed colleagues, Mr. Kiran and Mr. Pratap, who brought their infectious enthusiasm and energy to the occasion, which was already brimming with goodwill and camaraderie. As the event unfolded, it became increasingly clear that the combination of well-monitored CSR funding and socially conscious NGOs can have a tremendous impact on society, benefiting all stakeholders. As the event drew to a close, there was a heartwarming exchange of pleasantries and camaraderie among all the participants, solidifying the positive and uplifting atmosphere that had been present all through.

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