CHORD Children participate at QUALCOMM’s Science Fair

Mar 1, 2023 | News & Events

CHORD Children participate at QUALCOMM’s Science Fair at their premises in ..!

After a two year Covid-19 hiatus CHORD children are back at Qualcomm’s Science fair with renewed vigor and enthusiasm.

Today the 1st March’2023, CHORD Children participated in QUALCOMM’s Annual Science fair event. The event began with Mr. Sudheer (Senior Manager) and his employees briefing the students about Qualcomm and its Vision and Mission in a world that witnesses rapid changes in the field of Science and Technology and the need for the children to develop scientific temper.

Our CHORD children have exhibited amazing science projects that were keenly watched by participants. Mr.Amiya Mishra, (Vice President of Engineering) and Sr. Nitin Sharma (Senior Associate Council Director) inaugurated the Exhibition.

Our theme is “One drop could save our thirsty world” and “It is dirty but still we can use it” if only we use smart techniques. It is on this premise our following working models were created

1. River water cleaning boat

2. LPG gas leakage & smoke and smell alarm detector

3. Global warming

4. geostationary satellite

Qualcomm employees had a tough time solving the brain-teasing Math puzzles offered by our students. On the whole, it was a successful and very gratifying event for all the participants. Everyone encouraged the students and appreciated their efforts. Thanks to Qualcomm for this wonderful opportunity.

It was indeed a fun and educational event! It’s great to see CHORD Children participating in QUALCOMM’s Annual Science Fair with such exuberance. It’s also great that they addressed global issues like water conservation and global warming while also showcasing their amazing projects. Kudos to Qualcomm for offering such an amazing opportunity to the students.

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