Women’s Day Celebrations

Mar 8, 2023 | News & Events

CHORD, in association with SUPERGAS, celebrated International Women’s Day by felicitating Women Skill Graduates at their Centre for Learning. Mrs. Manjulatha, Director highlighted the importance of the day by elaborating the incredible virtues women possess and their role in promoting life and progress in Society with enthusiasm and resilience.

She asked the women to demonstrate courage and confidence in bringing a positive change in the society. and the Chief Guest Sri.Srimannarayana, Vice-President SUPERGAS commended the contribution of CHORD in empowering women and remarked that empowered women can in turn empower other women.

Mr. Suman Malladi, Founder CHORD spoke about CHORD’s role in training and empowering thousands women over the last 15 years. He encouraged the graduates to use their new found skills to make a positive impact in the society. This he believes will be a small step towards a society where women have a voice.

On the occasion of women’s day celebrations 30 Tailoring Graduates were presented with Certificates at our Skill Development centre Bollarum. Mrs.Teja Sree, HR, SHV Energy speaking on the occasion encouraged the women to stay strong and pursue their dreams with grit and self-belief.

Women trainees have narrated their testimonials and Aashirwad girl children showcased their talent through dance and an educational skit highlighting the merits of STEM Education.

SUPERGAS Women volunteers have lauded the efforts of CHORD and encouraged the trainees to step forward with vigor towards economic independence.

On this day, let’s take a moment to recognize the incredible contributions of women to our communities, families, and workplaces. Let’s also acknowledge the challenges and barriers that women continue to face and commit to working towards a more inclusive and equitable world.

To all the women out there – keep shining your light and breaking barriers. Your strength and resilience inspire us all. We wish all the women a Happy Women’s Day! #InternationalWomensDay #ChooseToChallenge #IWD2023

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